Initial situation
With the Alpine Convention, the Alpine states (Germany, France, Italy, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia) and the European Union aim to protect, preserve and sustainably develop this important mountain region of Europe.
Every two years, the working programs (mandates) of the working groups and platforms are decided within the framework of the Alpine Convention (Conference of the Environment Ministers of the Alpine States).
For the current mandate phase 2015-2016, Germany is chairing the Alpine Convention.
The Federal Ministry for Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) is a member of the Transport Working Group (Transport) in cooperation with the State of Bavaria.
The members of the Transport Working Group have set themselves the task of supporting compliance with and implementation of the Transport Protocol in the Member States and, taking into account the current multi-annual program of the Alpine Convention 2011-2016, to carry out the tasks formulated in the current mandate.
In order to implement the traffic protocol of the Alpine Convention, the BMVI is supported by LKZ Prien GmbH in the Transport Working Group.
A key focus of the current mandate 2015-2016 of the Transport Working Group, which is being processed by LKZ Prien GmbH is "Innovative logistics solutions for other sustainable forms of long-distance transit, also taking into account the EU Directive on the construction of the infrastructure for alternative fuels".
Goals and results from previous mandates
- Information on soft mobility in tourism (brochure, pages 30-37)
(Mandate 2009-2011) - Development of coordinated and uniform information in the areas of tourism and transport - Within the framework of the work, the Transport Working Group has been expertly and organizationally supported in the development of the EU project AlpInfoNet.
(Mandate 2011-2012) - Sustainable solutions for logistics and urban freight transport in the Alpine region (leaflet)
(Mandate 2013-2014)
Project duration
The work has been carried out since 2009.