The innovative NiKRASA-system makes it possible to easily transfer non-crane-able semi-trailers from road to rail within the existing standards and infrastructure. This transfer is done without any changes at the wagon, the semi-trailer or the business processes. The already existing transshipment sites in the terminals for combined traffic can be used without any additional investments and thus, the utilization of these terminals can even be improved.
The practical oriented product NiKRASA has been developed together WITH the market and FOR the market. Now, customers have an additional opportunity to use the combined traffic with the existing standard transport means (the non-crane-able semi-trailer) and shift more goods from road to rail. This is a significant added value for loaders, transport companies and our environment. Currently, NiKRASA successfully runs for example in the combined traffic terminals of Padborg, Verona, Bettembourg and Triest.
NiKRASA has been funded by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology and by the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology in the frame of the innovation program for combined traffic.
How does NiKRASA work? (video)
Project duration
Since 2010