The goal was to optimize the supply chain Wald/Werk to reduce the labour costs by adjusted information- and communication technologies. WASP constitutes a company trespassing approach for the navigation in the forest and to avoid empty journeys.
The plan was to integrate the available software which is used in forestry operation, at forest owner organizations and energy provider as well as in the industry, by interfaces. For example merchandise management systems, software solutions for forestry operations and applications for data exchange.
Main issue of WASP was the development of new modules for:
• Logistics optimization and RFID
• Naviagtion
• Biomass logistics
• Communication-platform (internet ASP or Cloud Computing)
The technical opportunities to optimize the logistics are already available. That includes inter alia MDE, GPS including Galileo, Online-Services as well as single software programmes of the participants. Furthermore there will be a navigable forest road dataset, soon.
Further information you get at: http://www.wasp-logistik.de/