The traffic volume on the road is growing rapidly and steadily. On the few transit routes through the Alps, the related problems are concentrated there. Significant environmental damage caused by noise and dust emissions, impaired safety of traffic and high economic losses in logistics and tourism affect the region. Strengthening of alternative transport modes is urgently needed to relieve the space, the people and the roads.
Within the project, the attractiveness of transalpine rail freight is increased for the logistics market. For this, the offers of rail transport services will be extended, so that existing routes and networks can be used more efficiently. In addition, the improvements of central transhipment centers and the development of Combined Transport products contribute to improve the accessibility and intermodal functionality of the rail system. To ensure the efficiency of the products and to consider the needs of changing markets, there is close collaboration with actors of the logistics market.
In TRANSITECTS the modal shift will be supported within a transnational network in a physical, technical and organizational way. Stakeholders from business and politics are involved at an early stage and the connections and products are implemented in close cooperation with relevant stakeholders. Moreover a transnational project platform is established which connects and further develops approaches. An intensive exchange is in particular with the projects AlpCheck2, BATCo, iMonitraf !, SCANDRIA and SoNorA.
Project duration
July 2009 - July 2012