Initial situation
Freight transport is heavily affecting the Alpine Space. It is essential for mutual economic growth and development of one of the most important area in the heart of Europe. Nevertheless its negative impacts as noise and air pollution are damaging human living environment.
SusFreight, Sustainable Freight Transport – Now and Tomorrow, is a project co-financed by the Alpine Space Programme under the 5th Call for Proposals. SusFreight aims at addressing the environmental problems related to transports through the natural bottleneck represented by the economically dynamic regions composing the Alpine Space.
Challenge & Project goal
The objective to tackle these important problems will be reached by mapping and addressing all the potential relevant stakeholders in order to valorise and capitalize the experiences of previous projects tackling sustainable freight transport in the Alpine Space. The main focus lies on the already approved Alpine Space - projects AlpCheck, AlpCheck2, iMonitraf!, PARAmount, POLY5, TranSAFE-Alp and TRANSITECTS in order to capitalize the experience.
The results of this systematic and analytical study and evaluation is collected in a Recommendation/Position Paper highlighting the achievements produced by projects and calling for more consistency in future transport policies. This Paper is brought to the attention of the policymakers on regional, national and EU-level in order to raise awareness on a potential macro-regional strategy for the AS for a sustainable freight transport.
The results might be used for a reshaping of EU Programmes (e.g. ASP 2014+), in the thematic field sustainable transport and mobility. Therefore to guarantee efficient and long-lasting impacts, the project will identify key policy actors, institutions and relevant stakeholders on national and transnational level, creating a strong synergy aimed at creating a sensitive ecological awareness. These mutual collaboration will be included in a Policy Organisation Chart with descriptions of institutions and policy fields with relevance for freight transport (in AS) and in a Listing of measures/policies.
Project duration
September 2013 - December 2014